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CNN Republican Presidential Debate in Miami--Post-Debate  Thursday, March 10, 2016

Kasich for America
New Day for America (pro-Kasich)

Marco Rubio for President

Republican National Committee

Democratic National Committee

Correct the Record

Kasich for America

March 10, 2016
TO: Interested Parties
FROM: John Weaver, Chief Strategist
RE: Hitting His Stride

Gov. Kasich continued to hit his stride with another positive, policy-focused debate performance.
As the race narrows, primary and caucus voters are getting their first real chance to learn about John Kasich’s record of results and his positive plan for America – and they like what they hear.
As voters learn about Gov. Kasich’s record of shaking up the status quo, he has surged in the polls.
This week, Kasich seized a 5-point lead in the Fox News poll of Ohio, and he is now tied for first in states that are yet to vote, according to a Wall Street Journal / NBC News poll.
And tonight, a new poll shows that Gov. Kasich is the only candidate who will defeat Hillary Clinton in Ohio - and it’s not even close. While Trump, Rubio and Cruz all trail Clinton, Gov. Kasich leads her by a whopping 15 points.
Gov. Kasich’s performance tonight will allow him to keep his momentum heading into Election Day on Tuesday, when he will win Ohio and the race will reset.
Gov. Kasich doesn’t have to throw mud because he has what no one else in the race can claim: a proven record as a common-sense conservative who actually produces results.
Gov. Kasich focused on what he’s accomplished: he balanced the federal budget, helped create more than 400,000 jobs in Ohio, turned an inherited $8 billion state deficit into a $2 billion surplus and enacted the largest state tax cut in the country.
After March 15, almost half of the delegates will still be available, and the electoral map shifts significantly in our favor, with the delegate-rich states fitting Governor Kasich’s profile.
States that will still have contests after March 15 include: Arizona (58 delegates), Utah (40 delegates), North Dakota (28 delegates) Wisconsin (42 delegates), New York (95 delegates), Colorado (37 delegates), Connecticut (28 delegates), Delaware (16 delegates), Maryland (38 delegates), Pennsylvania (71 delegates), Rhode Island (19 delegates), Indiana (57 delegates), West Virginia (34 delegates), Oregon (28 delegates), Washington (44 delegates), California (172 delegates), Nebraska (36 delegates), Montana (27 delegates) New Jersey (51 delegates), New Mexico (24 delegates) and South Dakota (29 delegates).



Kasich in last #GOPDebate said he polls best among GOP hopefuls against Hillary Clinton: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/mar/03/john-kasich/john-kasich-correct-he-polls-best-against-among-go/


Phil Kerpen

RCP average: Clinton 47.3 Trump 41.0 (-6.8)

Clinton 45.4 Cruz 46.2 (+0.8)

Clinton 44.0 Rubio 48.0 (+4.0)

Clinton 40.3 Kasich 47.7 (+7.4)


Chuck Todd

Seems like all the candidates not named Kasich tonight noticed their personal ratings all took a hit due to previous debate scuffles


Montel Williams

When it comes to who is ready to command then most powerful military in the world, we ought to look to the adult - @JohnKasich


Stuart Rothenberg‏

I need to revise and extend. I am moving Kasich up in my rankings tonight. He's having a good night.


Jonah Goldberg

Good answer from Kasich on Tiananmen.


Montel Williams

The other candidates decided to emulate what's been working for @JohnKasich - substance, maturity tonight - too little to late


Alex Burns

Trump bobs & weaves on Tiananmen Square Kasich forceful & clear: the "Chinese government butchered those kids"


Richard Grenell

@JohnKasich is very good and comfortable on foreign policy.


Stuart Rothenberg‏

Kasich with a measured and thoughtful answer on the environment question.


Matt O'Brien

Kasich making the totally reasonable—and correct!—point that doing something about climate change wouldn’t tank the economy.


Joe Concha‏

Kasich with the best answer of the night in parsing radical Islam with moderate Islam and civilization vs radicalism. 


Frank Luntz

.@JohnKasich's pro-Israel program hit 90% with my group – the highest of any candidate

Better to be pro-lsrael than anti-Muslim. 


Montel Williams

@JohnKasich brings the debate away from hate for all Muslims to adult discussion on fighting jihadis, which US Muslims agree w/ 


Ari Melber

John Kasich spot on focusing on difference between radical Islamic terror and the majority of Muslims


Chris Ryan

Kasich has done a excellent job of explaining how his experience would allow him to achieve his vision as President. 


Dana Perino

Kasich knows a bit about the budget. Fo sure.



Kasich likes to take credit for helping balance the federal budget. He should. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/aug/09/john-kasich/checking-out-john-kasichs-claim-he-was-one-chief-a/


Frank Luntz

“We lock our doors at night. Our country needs to lock its borders” hit 84% with my #GOPDebate group.


Arsenio Hall

I don't mean to brag, but the class of the #gopdebate is ... Ohio governor John Kasich.


CNN Politics

John Kasich: We don't want to "lock the doors" on international trade http://www.cnn.com/2016/03/10/politics/republican-debate-live-updates/index.html?bitly


Ellen L. Carmichael

This is a good answer from Kasich re: immigration. It's important for Republicans to emphasize we support legal immigration.



Having just criss-crossed Ohio correct Kasich is popular has stellar GOTV operation--up against "Alpha" of Trump 


Chris Matthews

Kasich is great on schools and preparing people for real jobs. 


Will Rahn

Benefiting from a smaller field, Kasich on pace for a good night.


Teddy Davis

.@JohnKasich positions himself as an advocate of "free trade but fair trade." 



Gov. Kasich is running for President to help Americans restore our nation, live in safety and pass on prosperity to those who come after us—and he’s got the experience to help us do it. He was reelected last year by a 30-point margin after working with his fellow Ohioans to turn an $8 billion shortfall into a $2 billion surplus, cut taxes $5 billion and create more than 400,000 new private sector jobs.  As chair of the Budget Committee in Congress he led the effort to balance the federal budget for the first time in a generation and served 18 years on the House Armed Services Committee where he helped enact President Reagan's national security agenda.  He has also had a successful career as an investment banker, New York Times best-selling author and at FOX News.  He and his wife Karen have twin teenage daughters and live in their home outside Columbus. You can learn more about him at www.JohnKasich.com


New Day for America

Contact: Connie Wehrkamp, connie@newdayforamerica.com 

What They’re Saying About Gov. John Kasich’s Debate Performance


Frank Luntz: “‘When countries cheat, we need to blow the whistle.’ @JohnKasich’s answer scored 85% with conservatives and 78% with moderates. #GOPDebate” (Frank Luntz Twitter Feed, Twitter.com, 3/10/16)


Will Rahn: “Benefiting from a smaller field, Kasich on pace for a good night.” (Will Rahn Twitter Feed, Twitter.com, 3/10/16) 


Dana Perino: “Kasich knows a bit about the budget. Fo sure.” (Dana Perino Twitter Feed, Twitter.com, 3/10/16)


Frank Luntz: “‘We lock our doors at night. Our country needs to lock its borders’ hit 84% with my #GOPDebate group. Good lines from @JohnKasich tonight.” (Frank Luntz Twitter Feed, Twitter.com, 3/10/16)


New York Times’ Alex Burns: “Trump bobs & weaves on Tiananmen Square Kasich forceful & clear: the 'Chinese government butchered those kids'” (Alex Burns Twitter Feed, Twitter.com, 3/10/16)


Cato Institute: “.@JohnKasich's right—Tiananmen Square reminds us of the importance of individual liberty. #GOPdebate #Cato2016” (Cato Institute Twitter Feed, Twitter.com, 3/10/16)


Montel Williams: “I’m convinced @johnkasich is the candidate who will do the best by veterans. #GOPDebate” (Montel Williams Twitter Feed, Twitter.com, 3/10/16)


Rob Neyer: "Kasich’s plan to means-test Social Security benefits, or the concept anyway, is the most sensible thing anybody will say tonight." (Rob Neyer Twitter Feed, Twitter.com, 3/10/16)


Reuters' Emily Flitter: “Kasich: 'I have run an unwavering positive campaign.' Says he can be an example for kids of how to run for president.'” (Emily Flitter Twitter Feed, Twitter.com, 3/10/16)



Marco Rubio for President

Marco "Hit It Out Of The Park"

Frank Luntz Focus Group: Everyone Agreed On Marco’s Great Night

Gloria Borger: Marco Had A Great Debate

Bret Baier: Marco ‘Hit It Out Of The Park’ On Cuba

Red State: "Rubio was smart, snappy, and contained Trump without really insulting him"
Rubio got off virtually every memorable line of the night, including “I don’t care about being politically correct, I just want to be correct on this issue.” He also embarrassingly exposed Trump’s lack of basic knowledge about foreign policy, especially with respect to Cuba. Rubio was smart, snappy, and contained Trump without really insulting him.

Erick Erickson in Resurgent: "Marco Rubio really had the best debate"
Marco Rubio really had the best debate of anyone on that debate stage. His answers on Cuba, Islam, Global Warming, etc. were just so solid...Rubio’s answer on Cuba might have won him Florida. His performance was outstanding.

The Washington Post: "Poised, confident and knowledgeable"
Winners. The Florida Senator was poised, confident and knowledgeable...Rubio deserves credit for performing extremely well when the chips were down.

Ed Morrissey of Hot Air: "He needed to hit a home run in his home state, and he did ... Winner."
He needed to hit a home run in his home state, and he did so by dumping the personal attacks and adopting a more personal approach. He mixed in anecdotes, including a touching one about a supporter who keeps heading out to campaign for him even though he’s recovering from surgery, and combined that with a fierce condemnation of Barack Obama’s Cuba policy and an incisive grip on policy details. Winner.

[fundraising email]
HUGE Hometown Win

It may have been a home game for Marco tonight, but I still don’t think anyone expected him to run up the score like he did.
Everyone who just watched that debate saw who can really take it to Donald Trump, who can disarm him with policy expertise, forceful eloquence, and humor.
On issue after issue that’s important to Floridians especially -- Social Security, Cuba, Israel, veterans, and more -- Marco laid out his clear, thoughtful positions, called out Trump for having no idea what he’s talking about and . . . Trump had nothing to say in response.
OK, in fairness, on Israel, Trump was able to point out a key accomplishment of his own: One time he was the grand marshal of the Israel parade on Fifth Avenue.
But while Trump’s been leading parades, Marco’s been fighting for Floridians, racking up accomplishments on issues from Israel to veterans. That’s why he can wipe the floor with Trump in a debate, and it’s why he’s going to beat Trump in Florida on Tuesday.
But we still need your help to close this out -- the media’s going to keep pushing their favorite candidate, Donald Trump.
Donate right now to our Florida Victory Fund to fight back.
Florida is the single biggest delegate haul of the primary season, and Marco is the only way we’re keeping it away from Donald Trump.
So if you want to stop Trump, we need your help to do it in Florida.
Chip in to his Florida Victory Fund right now -- EVERY dollar goes to Florida.
Terry Sullivan
Campaign Manager
Marco Rubio for President

P.S. Another good line from Marco tonight -- he doesn’t want to talk about being “politically correct,” another obsession of the Donald’s. He wants to just be correct — because that’s what America needs from a president. Let’s help Marco win Florida and make him our next president.
Republican National Committee

RNC Statement On The CNN/Salem Media Group/Washington Times Republican Presidential Debate

WASHINGTON - Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus released the following statement on the Republican debate in Miami:
“Tonight’s debate was a substantive discussion about the critical issues in this election. Contrary to the race to the left going on in the Democrat primary, our field of accomplished Republican candidates continue to offer the solutions and change in direction America urgently needs. Under President Obama, our country has become less prosperous, less safe and less free, but Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton want to keep going down the same failed path of bigger government and a weak foreign policy. Voters know we can’t have four more years like the last eight, and that’s why we’ve seen record turnout in our Republican primaries and caucuses while Democrats have stayed home in droves.
“Whether it’s the growing threats abroad, economic stagnation at home, or preserving the balance of the Supreme Court, the stakes in this election could not be higher. Hillary Clinton’s reckless conduct as Secretary of State and ongoing FBI investigation show she can’t be trusted with the presidency, and Bernie Sanders’ calls for a socialist revolution are just too extreme. Only a Republican president can ensure we finally have the brighter and more secure future Americans deserve.”

Democratic National Committee

DNC Chair Statement on the Republican Debate Tonight

MIAMI - DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz issued the following statement on tonight's Republican debate on CNN:
"The tone might have been different tonight, but the substance was simply wrong for the American people. In all of the screaming of their past debates, the Republican candidates got away without going into detail on the issues. Tonight they were forced to say what they actually plan to do, and it was ugly. Republicans want to drag America backward on just about every issue. What a difference from the forward-looking debate we heard last night in which Democrats again showed they understand how to build on the progress our country has already made. With every day that passes in this election, one thing becomes increasingly clear - there is an enormous substance gap between the two political parties, and we need to elect a Democrat to keep America moving forward."
Correct the Record (pro-Clinton)


“Tonight, we heard more about decades-old Republican policies that led to massive job losses,” said Brad Woodhouse, President of Correct The Record. “But as much as these candidates talked about slashing Social Security for seniors, rounding up and tearing apart families by deportation, and denying thescience behind climate change, which is already destroying Florida's coastline, not one of them laid a hand on Donald Trump, the misogynistic hate-monger who is now the chosen and accepted leader of the Republican Party."