- Donald Trump
« Press Releases on
Trump Tax Returns
Democratic National Committee
May 13, 2016
DNC Chair
Statement on Trump Tax Returns
This morning Donald Trump once again went back on his word, refusing to
release his tax returns. When asked during
the interviewer and said it was “none of
your business.” He also argued that voters do not have a right to see
his tax returns before Election Day.
Of course, when Trump first considered running for President in 1999,
he said he,
he ran. Later, in 2012, he argued if
have to show your [tax] returns” and they
should be released by April
1st of the election year.
DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz issued the following statement:
“Trump’s refusal to release his tax returns raises serious questions
about what he’s hiding, whether or not he pays his fair share and how
much he would benefit from his own reckless tax plan. If Trump can’t be
open and honest about his purported wealth today
as a candidate, there’s no telling how much he would rig the system to
enrich himself and others at the top at the expense of hardworking
families as president.”
May 13, 2016
What a Quack.
Bucking precedent that goes back to 1976, Donald Trump--the presumptive Republican presidential nominee --has repeatedly refused to release his taxes. Despite the fact that Richard Nixon released his taxes while under audit, Trump has said an audit prevents him from releasing his tax returns to the American public. When he released his tax plan earlier this year, he said that the wealthy would pay more (despite evidence to the contrary), but he boasted this morning that he, himself, fights “very hard to pay as little tax as possible.”
What is Donald J. Trump hiding? Does he refuse to donate money to charity? Does he pay a lower tax rate than the average middle class family? Is his “successful businessman” persona a farce?
The media continues to hold Donald Trump’s feet to the fire on his refusal to take a step that every presidential candidate for over three decades has taken. A Washington Post article even shamed Trump for being “almost certainly the least transparent candidate in the era of modern media.”
Washington Post: Donald Trump is setting a new standard for lack of transparency
MSNBC: Why Donald Trump’s tax-return defense isn’t working
Vox: The controversy over Donald Trump's tax returns, explained
Salon: Donald Trump is a coward: Get a load of this weakling who won’t release his taxes
Think Progress: The Hypocrisy Of Trump’s Refusal To Release His Tax Returns
NBC News: Flashback: Richard Nixon Released Tax Returns While Under Audit
CNN: Donald Trump handed over tax returns in casino bids
Washington Post Opinion: Trump just boasted that he pays as little in taxes as possible. No, really.
Buzzfeed: Clinton Questions Trump's Refusal To Release Tax Returns
Bloomberg View: I Saw Trump's Tax Returns. You Should, Too.
POLITICO: Trump: My tax rate is 'none of your business'
AP: What's in Trump's returns? A look at how he plays tax game
Time: The ‘Bombshells’ That Could Be in Trump’s Taxes
New York Times Opinion: Trump and Taxes
American Bridge 21st Century PAC
May 13, 2016
WATCH: Trump's Tax Evasion
American Bridge 21st Century PAC website at TrumpReleaseYourReturns.com
asks, "Why is Donald Trump Backing Off His Earlier Promises to Release
His Tax Returns?" |
Correct the Record (pro-Clinton)
May 19, 2016
Washington, D.C.--It’s only Thursday, and Trump has already had a taxing week. Trump continues to refuse to release his tax returns, now described as potentially “kryptonite” for his campaign. And it’s no wonder he’s hiding them. Trump University actually had a book that outlined strategies to avoid paying taxes. And Trump’s companies have been involved in over 100 tax-related lawsuits and disputes.
“The week is not even over and already we’ve learned that Trump took advantage of 9/11 recovery funds to benefit his bottom line, taught people to avoid paying taxes and his companies have been involved in more than 100 tax lawsuits and disputes,” said Brad Woodhouse, President of Correct the Record. “As the facts continue to pile up about Trump’s shady tax record, it’s clear that ‘The Donald’ has a lot to hide from the American people. The question now is: What else is Trump keeping from us in his secret tax returns?”
MSNBC: Trump’s new line: Tax returns from thee, not from me
USA Today: Trump's tax trouble: More than 100 lawsuits, disputes, tied to companies
CNN: How to avoid paying taxes: Top 10 list of Trump University-approved strategies
Palm Beach Post: Call for Trump’s tax returns now includes his hometown tax collector
Huffington Post: McConnell Suggests Trump Should Release Tax Returns
the tax returns could be Trump's kryptonite
ABC News: The Only Time Donald Trump Undersells: Tax Time
CNBC: After a weekend of bad press, why the tax returns could still be Trump's kryptonite
New York Times: Donald Trump’s Evasions on Taxes
Mediaite: Irony Alert! Donald Trump Is Asking His VP Picks to Release Their Tax Returns
CNN: In Trump University book, tax avoidance strategies its namesake may love
Des Moines Register: Editorial: Trump's refusal to share his tax returns raises questions
May 19, 2016
Hillary for America
Four New Insights Into Why Donald Trump Refuses To Release His Tax Returns
Serious questions continue to be raised about why Donald Trump continues to refuse to release his tax returns, a basic public disclosure made by every Democratic and Republican presidential nominee for the past forty years. Yesterday, the mandatory release of Trump’s personal financial disclosure offered new insights into what Trump could be hiding“Donald Trump made a pretty penny off a program to help small businesses hurt by 9/11, one of many times where The Donald took advantage of government programs to save or make money off the taxpayer.
‘Trump is a welfare king who owes much of his fortune to the largesse of taxpayers,’ said Johnston.” [NYDN, 5/18/2016 ]
“As recently as last week, Trump said he was “willing to pay more” taxes personally and that “taxes for the rich will go up somewhat” if he becomes president. But the lawsuits and other tax-related disputes show a different reality for his businesses. They illustrate a pattern of systematically disputing tax bills, arguing for lower property assessments, and in some cases not paying taxes until the government takes additional action.
“At least three dozen times, Trump companies’ unpaid tax bills have forced the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance to go to local courts to get liens against his properties to try to collect overdue bills. New Jersey also had to go to court for a lien to collect a Trump company’s unpaid tax bill.” [USA Today, 5/19/2016]
“When local governments try to tax Trump on his golf properties, he incredulously turns out his pockets, often claiming that his courses are worth far less than the estimates on his nomination filings.
“Trump and his subsidiaries have employed this tactic with at least six of his U.S. courses, according to town and county officials in numerous states. In at least one instance, the discrepancy between what Trump said a course would sell for when claiming to the public he’s worth “TEN BILLION DOLLARS” and what he told local officials come tax time was at least $48.6 million, or 97% less.” [Fortune, 5/17/2016]
“The new disclosure comes amid swirling questions about Trump’s income and net worth. This week, he reiterated his past claim that he was worth more than $10 billion, although he has not provided independent evidence to back up the claim.” [Washington Post, 5/19/2016]
“The flood of cash highlights one of the most unusual aspects of Trump’s candidacy — the potential that a private businessman can benefit financially from a run for the White House…. The filing adds another chapter to the shifting story of Trump’s wealth.” [Washington Post, 5/19/2016]
Read more:
NYDN: Donald Trump used 9/11 funds program to net $150G payday
Washington Post: Trump’s business booms as he runs for president, financial disclosures show
USA Today: Trump's tax trouble: More than 100 lawsuits, disputes, tied to companies
People Magazine: Clinton and Trump Disclose Finances, Revealing Huuuuge Disparity in Their Multi-Million-Dollar Incomes
New York Times: Details on Donald Trump’s Finances Are Released, but Net Worth Is Unclear
Politico: How Much is Donald Trump Really Worth?
CNN: Trump wants to see VP's tax returns, but won't share his
Fortune: This Could Be the Missing Piece in Solving Donald Trump's Financial Puzzle
Yahoo: Donald Trump is becoming Wall Street’s best friend
USA Today: Trump releases financial statement; Clinton seeks his tax returns